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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / Is NetZero died? I input 416-, they said no free number is supported! Any other free ISP? tks.
    • NetZero不再免费了。我上了这条贼船,正想着怎么CANCEL它。但它的电话1-866-841-1442永远是音乐。另外9.95的月费是美元。TNND!!!
      • How do they charge money? They didn't have credit card or detail address?
      • I tell you
        1 与你的credit card 供应商联系,说明原委:取消不掉的恶性收费
        2 向netzero所有可用的邮箱发出正是的取消账户申请函
        3 一个月后,netzero回了信, 说现在取消,但再征收一个月的费用,原因是, 费用是按月征收的,现在是过了几天了,只好在收一个月费用云云
        4 我回了信,指出他们的险恶用心,并威胁通过信用卡公司和法律手段来解决问题,并扬言要广而告之他的信誉
        5 netzero 取消了我的账户并还了我的一个月的钱
        • Thanks!
    • You can try 3Web, it cost $9.95/month. But somebody said this company has bad reputation on cancelling their service. I will consider to use it anyway, because it's cheap.
      • It's said some computer stores selling CD which can be used to internet. Like pre-paid card. Very convenient. Anyone know details? tks.