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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 在CIBC的美元定期刚到期就被自动转存了,可是我并没有同意呀!我现在急要用钱,他们又不给取,大家说怎么和他们交涉?
    • you have to give them notice before it is renewed. I am sure if you can withdraw it now or not, tell them you will give up the interest for the renewed term.
      • opps, one NOT is missing...should be "I am NOT sure if you can withdraw it now or not, tell them you will give up the interest for the renewed term"
      • 我真怕了他们了,哪还敢跟他们要利息,只盼拿回本金就够了.一家老小就靠这笔钱吃饭了!各位帮忙出些点子吧.
        • You can't withdraw your money but you can borrow money form the bank. Don't forget to give them a call before the next mature date.
        • 给你个先例作参考,自己酌情处理。
          TD bank。到期前打电话去要求不要续存,留言在answer machine上。收到账单后发现还是续存了,打电话去要求撤销,对方回答不可以,要不就要收50元。坚决要求撤销并拒绝付钱,说明到期前已经留言要求不续存了。对方松口答应撤销,但态度比较恶劣。几天后钱回到支票帐户。若干个月后居然又一次打电话来说存款到期,问是否要续存,此时实际帐上一分钱也没有了,告知对方账户已cancel。来年银行T5寄来,发现该笔记录居然依然存在,没有撤销记录。
          • 请教海狼:
            你还记得你存的是那一种? 1不到期不能取的 2 可提前取,但要交罚金.
            我们的问题是从来没有银行人员告诉我们有两种存法 和会自动续存.他们自动给我们定成不到期不能取和自动转存. 该怎么办?
            真是着急啊! 钱从来没显得象现在这样重要!
            • 不到期不能取,确切的说应该属于investment。
            • 我当时开户时,把条款问得很仔细,不到期不能取,但对方很清楚地告诉我说他会在到期前2天打电话来征求我的意见。
          • 如果你要求再转存一遍会怎么样呢?
    • 吸取教训吧, 以后别跟CIBC做生意了, 一群无赖. 皇家银行好一些, 费用是明的, CIBC的是暗的.
    • 看你要花多少钱

    • CIBC的美圆定期是无法提前支取的(加元可以),我以前也有和你相同的经历。你可以采取这样的方法,用这笔钱作抵押,向CIBC贷款,这样你只损失了一点存贷利息之间的差价,但同时也有一个附带的好处,就是可以增加你的信用度。
    • Go to your branch now.
      When you deposit a GIC, the teller should asked you about the way to notify you upon its mature. But sometime the banks don't follow this rule. Anyway, even it's automatically renewed, you still can cancel the term since they are mature. You can also get the lowest interest.
    • you try to change to 'US dollar money market fund' first, then you can take it out with one-day notice in advance
      • 定期也可以转成"'US dollar money market fund' 吗?
        • 不能.
        • 你可以试试看,我的是先存了活期,然后我转存定期,一个星期后我告诉她我要转成money market fund, 就转了。