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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / 怪事:NTFS盘中的某几个下载的图片文件不能访问!
    删。而且这几个文件的属性中没有“安全选项卡”(Security Tab),

    Ownership)后,把该目录的完全控制权(Full Control)分配给所有人

    系统为Win2000 SP2,在XP pro下也试过,重装系统也不行。百思不得其解,望高人指点
    • 文件加密以后, 重新装win2000打不开的.
    • try copy to fat patition, see if it works, i pretty sure you cann't move it.
      • 文件不曾被加密过。即使被加密,按照Windows Help里的说法,当其被copy或move到FAT分区时,会自动被解密。可现在是文件根本不能被访问,象几个毒瘤,难道除了格式化,就奈何不了它们了?
        • 在win2000下除了权限和加密外, 除非crosslink, 但是fat 和nt4 ntfs 比较常见, i don't think that's case. 我想加密的可能性较大, 重新
          装系统后, old sam database is gone, 文件加密的属性可能显示不出,
          and local adminstrator is not always default recover agency.
          • Windows Help中的《加密文件系统概述》指出:“加密文件夹或文件不能防止删除或列出文件或文件夹表。具有合适权限的人员可以删除或列出已加密文件或文件夹表。”所以,这些文件是没有被加密的
            • can you delete these files? if you have all rights , but cann't delete it, then it might be file system error, like cross link or corrupted, if you can delete
              these file, but cann't access or read it, it must be encrypted.
              • 不能删除。做过磁盘Error-Checking,也很正常,所以不会是cross link or corrupted files.
            • in old nt4, you can move one ntfs drive to new system, and read all the file, but it's not the case in win2000, it will be a security hole. you have to
              import recovery agency key to decrypt the encrypted file to read it, you even cann't backup the encrypted file to fat patition, it will skip.
    • 你删文件的时候,报的什么错啊?"Access denied"?
      • "The file can not be accessed by the system"
    • up
      • 百灵鸟, ibuddy4 how much is re-seller price? can you send me in mail. thanks!