


  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 最近大家找JAVA工作有什么感受,我发现现在发简历都没有人回
    • 连说把你的简历存到档案里都懒的写了
      • 调查一下其他人是不是也是这样?我一月分发的时候至少还回E-mail.其实也是按几个按钮的事,现在是不是要回的太多了,按按钮都闲麻烦?
        • 按钮?按什么钮?呵呵,99.9%的回信都是系统自动回复的。通通是垃圾!不过也有例外,有某公司居然在半个月后给偶一封很正式的mail(not email),仅仅是通知偶收到简历,呵呵,害得偶以为是offer:)
          • 我过去收到的多数是几天后和回信不是自动的
    • 这年头还在搞Java??? 真是
      • 不是各个方向都萎缩,不只是JAVA呀?为什么就不能找JAVA?
        • 一只股票如果涨过头的话,要跌也会跌过头.
          • Very, very good point!
          • 其实我发现很多新移民不适合JAVA,JAVA还处在高速发展期,新的东西很多即使找到工作很可能因为英语水平不好花很多时间看资料或被公司抛弃。现在短训班学的只能应付一时的需要
      • I am one of guys who start learning Java now....and I still think Java is the good way to go.
    • Because dot-com's are dying, it is not easy to get Java jobs now...
      But I think it is normal. No programming language should be over-hyped. Six months ago, there was a shortage of Java programmers. Right now, even strong Java programmers may miss job opportunities. Very few opportunities for novices such as newly-graduated computer science M.S's from not so famous graduate schools.
      • 真的吗?连美国都这样?太不可想象了,现在多数学校都在教JAVA,这么多学生和新来的学JAVA的怎么办?
        • Schools need to train students in programming and Java is a perfect choice.
          Before, schools taught C++. Obviously, Java is more suitable for teaching OO concepts. Teaching students Java does not mean they all become programmers. In the IT industry, no single skill can make a postion for us. Even DB people need to have some basic programming skills.

          By the way, if you look into the contents of Java clases in the universities, you will find that they are too simple.
          • But, they focus on OO methodology and algorithm.
        • Schools just want to have business and make money. As long as they can get money, they will accept anyone and encourage to study any thing. You're not that stupid. Right?
      • I would say that Java is just a language.......
        Do not expect find a good pay job just because you know java language only. On the other hand, if you really like programming, Java still is a good way to learn. Not only Java language but also Java technology.....
        • You have a clear mind. Wish you good luck