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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 要去Waterloo 大学与教授面谈(下午三点),大侠(尤其是U of W的)请告诉我如何去较方便? 谢谢!
    • if you have not car, you can take go bus or go train
      • Thanks very much. The due day is next Tuesday 1:30pm. Which day shall I get there, Monday or Tuesday? How long does the trip take?Thanks again.
        • 从多到滑铁卢110公里左右,开车1小时.go bus, go train我不知道要多少时间,但是当天早上走足够了.听说还有从多到滑上班的,所以时间应该没有问题!
        • you needn't get here on Monday. the trip by greyhound is around 1-1.5hours, you can get off at University or at Kitchener bus station then take bus route 7D or 7E
          • Thanks! Where can I take the greyhound? I'm in Downtown(Queens & Dufferin). I'm seeing the map of GTA but cann't find Waterloo.
            • waterloo is not in the GTA, it's at northwest of GTA. there's a greyhound station in downtown, I don't remember the exact address. You can check it and the timetable from their website.
            • 好象BLOOR北面靠近多大附近有个长途车站,是GO BUS还是灰狗?
            • DUNDAS/BAY
      • there's no go bus or go train to 俺们这疙瘩,she can take greyhound.
        • really?一年半前差点接了滑的一个活,只因想着交通问题拒了.后来朋友告诉我有GO BUS和TRAIN,我后悔了好长时间!现在安心了.
    • to小松鼠,你申请的是什么专业,几月份的,我申请五月的CS到现在都没消息。急死了!!!
      • 这个Case有点。。。。从开始到现在就三天吧。 我没有交申请表,直接和教授套的
        • 你怎么套的,发信还是打电话。我写过e_mail,都不理我。有什么好招吗?能不能给我发e_mail.我就在Waterloo.