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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / (女)金属学及热处理专业毕业,9年大锻件热出理工作,2年模具检验和3年外企管理经验。对将来干什么的问题一直很迷茫,是到COLLEGE TAKE A COURSE 当个机械师呢还是干脆转行当护士?或是别的选择?请给个建议。
    • In fact:
      I have taken an English course for nursing . Licensed Practical
      Nurses is 15 months pragram and annual wage is $37,450. The
      problem is that I do not know if I like it or not .I also think
      that the operation of machine is easier than dealing with people.
      But I am afraid that the opportunities of employment for women
      manufacturing procduction shops are less than men .

      It is really hard for me to make decision . I hope you can give
      me some suggestion. Thank you very much.
    • No good for woman.
      Please change your idea quckly to another way because the heat ... program in Canada is not good job for women; it is no chance in ON.
      • Thank you ! I have given up my major in heat treatment and wanted to be a control machine operator. I think face machine is easier than face human being.