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  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 在 Alberta 新 司 机上"安 全 驾 驶 的电 视 课" 可 在 买 汽 车 保 险 时 有 较 大 折 扣, 请 问 在 多 伦 多 是 否 有 同 样 的 规 定. 是 否 只 能 参 加 团 体或 获 得G 照 后 才 能 有 保 险 折 扣
    • Similar credit in each jurisdiction. Okay let's go back to basic:
      At least in ON every driver is classified by a 6-star system: Normally a new young driver is rated as a 1-star one; 1 year driving experience w/o claim turns him/her to 2-star, and so on so forth until maximum 6 stars. No doubt the more stars one has, the less premium he pays. If he's a new driver taking a certified course, he normally qualifies 3 star immediately. That's why there's premium credit around 10%~15% to him.