


  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请教在加的JJ,MM们
    • 据说象长春。带够几年的衣服和鞋?过来后不用再 逛商场? xixi, 如果你坚持的了的话---诱惑很难 抵挡的。不如你开个衣服单,让大家增补吧。
    • 这里的衣服不算贵啊。而且大家都不讲究衣着,很随便的衣服就好了。
    • 我看你还是多带点好, 由其是款式时新的。这里的服饰说得不好听
      • hehe, sorry to say this, but you know nothing about fashion trends.
        • Can you find fashions here, not made in Canada?
          • why you want it to be made in Canada? \'made\' just means some kind of labor, i.e., sewing. but it doesn\'t mean it is designed in where it\'s made. Have you ever seen a pair of Nike shoes which r made in North America?:-)
          • go to bloor&yonge if u live in toronto. take a look at Banana Republic and Zara in Bloor St. West, as well as many fashion stores.
    • 谢谢各位的指点。我想问一下同国内相比,加国哪些东西更贵一些,这里主要是指女士用品。今天接到使馆电话,告知LP已寄出,但在我收到后必须寄回使馆,原因是填写有误,但愿不会有什么节外生枝的事情发生。。。。。
      • sometimes those people from CIC are amazingly careless.
      • I have no idea about prices in China.