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  • 工作学习 / English / 请教各位,怎么样能用一句英文把“马到成功”的意思及和马的联系表达出来?看来要向老外介绍点国语还真不容易。
    • Access immediate success sooner after get there by horse.
      Although horse is not as fast as plane today, it was the fastest way.
      • haha...that is really interesting thoughts about how to translate it into English. I am just worder which year we will hard to get success sooner coz that kind of animal is not a faster walker.
      • no, original meaning of "马到成功" is from war
        you can say Maximus(General in Gladiator ) charged (on a horse )and
        won the battle very fast. That means quick success.
    • you made it as (getting) off the horse.
    • at the chinese new year, a foreign friend asked me what is the meaning of horse year?
      it is really hard to explain my feeling , so I only said in horse year, everything is going to be successful like a horse is rushing to the end -point..... :P
    • 拍马拍的好,就成功!