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  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 哪位最近办理过父母探亲签证?可否指教一二?
    • Go ahead...
    • 我也正在办,一起商量商量。:)
    • me too.
    • Me Five. Just to start.
      • 我的是纸头的, 电子版可以在楼下的link下载, 如果需要可以寄一分给你.
    • me sixth, 刚搞到表格.
      • Send a copy to me? Thanks. bloor@rogers.com
        • 自助吧:靠天不如靠地,靠地不如靠人,靠人不如靠己.我呢:授人以鱼不若授人以渔.找--->
          • 哈哈, bloor兄, 还需要我send一分吗?
    • 如果是第一次办父母探亲的话需要慎重一些。出来签证处规定的文件外可以准备一些其他的证明, 比如邀请人在加拿大的存款证明,父母在国内的存款证明,房产证明,另外如果父母还在工作的话最好
      • Thanks
    • me too. going to start!
    • 我要寄资料了,帮我check一下还缺什么,谢谢!!
      1,LP (复印件)
      2, 公司的Employment reference letter
      3, payment stub ( 只有3个月,因为才工作)
      4,银行的monthly statement (刚凑足6个月)
      5,T4 (原件)

      1,Application form and 亲属表
      • you still missing the following:
        1. invitation letter
        2. T4 is for your personal tax return for year 2001, you should keep the original for your copy, no nee to submit if you already have pay stub and employment letter.
        3. CCRA's notice of assessment for your privious tax year.
        4. Your parent do not need your notarized birth certificate, instead, they'll need notarized parental certificate.
        5. BTW, where do you submit your application, BeiJing or Shanghai?
        • Thank you very much. I will submit to shanghai. And is the CCRA's notice of assessment necessary because I just landed on last july. And can i use my birth certificate instead of the parental certificate.
          • yeah, you can use your birth notarization.
          • 1. are you married, if so, you have to prepare the same set of documentation of your spouse as well.
            2. i'm not sure if birth notariztion if ok or not.
            3. it's better to get the assessment first. if you're not in a rush, use internet filing and you'll get back in one month's time.
            4. shanghai is relatively easier to get the visa, but be sure to submit all required document if you don't want to risk.
            5. they might ask your parent to do a medical check, give yourself 2 months advance time.
            • Thanks. I should say Rolia is the place you can really get help.
    • here comes the URL to download application form.
    • Just come to Canada Embassy, they will give you a list. including all the material needed.
    • 邀请信到底是写给谁的呢?是父母还是大使馆?有朋友说是写给父母的,可我认为不是,否则要写英文的干吗?你们说呢?
      • 是写给父母的。要准备两封:一封办护照用(最好中英对照),一封给使馆(英文)
        • 谢谢,我父母都有护照,所以准备英文的给大使馆就对了。:)
      • 邀请信的口气是写给父母的,内容却是写给使馆看的,然后封进信封寄给父母,和信封一起当作申请文件之一交给使馆.
    • 2个问题:1、可否我在加拿大代为递表?2、税表到五六月份才能下来,现在想申请怎么办?