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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问对体检中的“申请人是否吸烟或曾经吸烟?”问题,是如实回答吸烟还是否认(如果本人吸烟)。承认吸烟对体检结果有无影响?多谢!多谢!
    • Speak the truth. It doesn't matter. However, it's better to give up smoking ASAP.
    • 是移民体检、保险体检还是工作体检?(这里很多人问问题总是不说明白自己在做什么)。最好实话实说。
      • 工作也要体检嘛?怎么我单位没让我去呢?
        • 有些工作有此要求.
        • Some companies also ask you to do medical examination, like EDS.
    • If you dont tell the truth that you are a smoker, you may be suspected of other disease related to your lungs. Because X-ray will show you have shadow in your lungs, which is normal for a smoker but not for a non-smoker
    • 我说的是im体检,大家是如实回答吗?多谢!
      • 如实说,如果one package per day以上才会被记录在俺!