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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 这份工作去不去,在纽芬兰岛,one year contract job, role would be $30-35 per hour (all inclusive),Oracle&PB.
    • 去!猪啊羊啊,就送到纽芬兰岛去。
    • 在那个失业率在百分之十几的地方,你这个真是高薪了。
    • 1.you can ask a guy named汉军. He has same experience as you. 2. this hour rate there > 75k in toronto.
      • 我怎么和这家伙联系,你知道么
        • 找到汉军的贴子,发E-mail.
          • 是这家伙么,hanarmy (汉军已到贝加尔湖)
            • 就是这小子!
    • 去,当然去,第一有收入,第二有工作经验,第三公司出了机票带你到风景区。
      • 风景我不关心,关键是生活,能否习惯,带着老婆,还让她一个人留在这里呢
        • 那真是一种全新的生活。
        • 这还用问?当然带老婆走。
        • 朋友,从中国来到加拿大,换个国家你都能够习惯,换个省有什么了不起的?
          • 多伦多这个地方,吃住能找到合适的,好比我北方人到云南天天吃米粉,不习惯,不知那里,吃住的东西,如何解决。
            • 方便程度肯定不如多伦多,可是,您是准备在这里耗着等机会还是有钱先赚着再说?我有个朋友,在Winnipeg找到DBA的工作,把老婆孩子留在多伦多,自己一个人杀过去了,临走对大家撂下一句话:我还要回来的。
              • :),有道理,想杀回来,我也这么想....收拾收拾,去
                • You should think it carefully. I ever though of going back Toronto soon when I left there, but now 8 months past, I'm still here :-) You may not realize now, something is really painful
                  ,and even you try your best, you may be not so lucky to find out any solution at once
                  • Are u in newfindland or other place now?pls tell me more information about there,thank u very much.
                    • 我不在NF, 据说整个ATLANTIC 四省的人都到我们这找工作,可就这样我这里还这么冷清(旅游季节除外)。想来,劝你还是全家一起来,太空人的滋味尝过吗?但即便你有钱给AIR CANADA, 也没有那么多假。还有生活费
                      • I can't see your msn.
                  • Same feeling. Fortunately I got back. Keep on trying. You'll find better job in Toronto soon. All the best.
                    • 请问你花了多长时间回去的?我有时候觉得自己似乎会终老在这里,然后埋葬在对面一个安静的公墓...其实想想,真的放弃一切,在这里养老也不错:-))
                      • Friend, don't be disappointed. I was working there for 14 monthes. In the first 3 monthes, just learned English speaking, I think
                        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛you got same feeling, it's easy to learn pure English in small city. After that, just try to send resume all the time. At mean time, you may need to take some tests, depending on your resume and background. Small place is very good for learning, more quiet. I think the market will be getting better soon. Keep the goal in mind, also take your time to learn more local culture. I was going to stay forever, but I like to try, then you can learn more. When I had interview here, I had to pay everything. When I drove to Winnipeg airport 500KM away from Regina overnight, that was my first real night driving, not sperate highway, I was almost killed by a big truck. But I made it. I only have one respond although I sent out over 100 resumes. One interview. They only pick one from 150 people. Trust me, try your best, you got good start, you got canadian experience. It's hard to immigrate, hard to find job, but you made it. Just start to do another harder thing, I believe you can make it. I want invite you for beer once you make it.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                        • Really admire your attitude and your ability! Thank you for your valuable suggestion and encouragement. Don't forget the beer if one day I can go back (of course, not due to lay off) :-)
                          • No problem. How many bottles can you drink? I don't want be drunk. Didn't drink for long time, come to see me once you come back, hopefully we can drink all night for your new job.
                        • I will go to Regina next week. You gave me the direction and encouragement too! I will follow your advice and footprint. Shake hands and Good luck for all of us.
                          • Good luck. Anything about Regina or SK or Alberta you want to know, I may give advice. But for fishing, you have to find out by self. I didn't get even one there. Take care.
              • 走出去就由不得自己了. 我去年6月在KITCHENER找到了工作, 就和老公从多伦多搬了过来.
                过了不久老公在这边也找到一份将就的工作, 我也换了一份. 现在尽管很想搬回TORONTO, 但自己都不知道什么时候. 我大学同屋的同学就有2个在多市. 在这边, 觉得好无聊啊.
        • so many colour wolves in Toronto, how dare you leave your wife here?
    • If you don't have job, why not? if you have job now, just want more money, don't go. I was working in SK, difficult to find job to come back. Better take your wife, so boring in small city,. Only Toronto is good.
    • 去!首先是薪水,和工作经验。另外当你走出多伦多,进入一个全部白人的世界后,你会对加拿大有一个另一层面的了解。只是有一个问题,纽芬兰当地人的英语口音很重,对学英语有些不好。
      • 我知道,爱尔兰英语
    • It's good to go there at this time coz u r gonna enjoy the beatiful but short summer soon. winter is extremly boring.
      For money and experiences, I suggest you go and come back after a while, say half a year or one year. $30/hr is really a higher rate in NF. I used to be there for half a year and that period of time was rewarding for starting the career in Canada. Both white and chinese people are nice in St. John's and quasi-chinese food is avaliable somewhere. Rent is around $450/month for 1bdrm apt. Pls feel free to send me emails should you have any questions. Good luck!
      • I wil send u E-mail .Thank u
    • 去吧, 那个地方的民风很淳朴, 比TORONTO的人友善多了.
    • Do not go...It will be hard for you to come back...New Foundland is like XinJiang in china...