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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 官方消息:2001.12.17前递交的申请沿用旧法至2003.1.1
    The Minister is proposing that those skilled workers and business immigrants who applied before December 17, 2001, and who have not received a selection decision by June 28, 2002 (the target implementation date for the new Act), will continue to be selected under the current selection criteria until January 1, 2003.
    • 你这是哪里来的消息,我刚刚察看了cic的网页,还是老一套啊。
      • 有此一说,URL http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/press/02/0201-pre.html
        • 原来如此,同一个网站还会有不同步的信息发布,加拿大的官僚也蛮厉害的么。不管怎么说,对大家是个好消息,祝各位正在苦等的同志们一切顺利啊。