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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 新来乍到,请各位指点。有关报税的问题。
    • Without income, you can claim ontario rental credit, which would amount to about 500 bux, once you have income, that amount will start to drop
      • hi, slimpiggy.I 'd like to know that rental credit is base on individual income or family income?Let's say, husband has more than $45,000, .
        shouldn't get any.But wife has only $10,000 income, can she get any?
        • 拿税表一看不是很清楚嘛,你们的情况,得到的是0
        • no, Total income for married couple 55000, you can only claim a credit if it's higher than (55000 - 4000) x 2%, which will come out to be 1000ish, basically if you have normal employment income, forget about otc
    • 他的雇主把给他的工资记在他的SIN下,怎么可能算是别人的?如果他的雇主没报这份工资,他自己隐瞒这份收入也很难查出来,他为什么要报在你的名下?当然,这对你将来报税没有影响,但你这是FRAUD,如果被发现。。。
    • up!up!up!
    • Thanks for your information. I know it is a FRAUD, but , you know , as Chinese...And he said , do not be worry, everything is ok!
      • if he/she was your friend, he/she shouldn't do that for you!
        • can you tell me why?
          • 看了我的回答了吗 ?
            • 谢谢你的回答,但是我的意思是,打个比方,好像我给他提供了某种可以抵税的服务,他负费用给我。不是,把他的收入记到我的名下。
              • 也就是说你的朋友是公司或自雇,谎称给你劳务费,算作花费。如果不被发现,对你应该没有什么不良影响。网上不是有免费的报税软件吗?下载一个,算算试试。
                • 谢了。
                • 请问哪里可DOWNLOAD到网上报税软件?
      • Please don't say "as Chinese". If you did that, it would be your own problem. Nothing to do with "Chinese"!
        • 朋友,你误会我的意思了,我的意思是,中国人都不太会拒绝朋友的要求,有时候虽然可能会犯点错误。我绝对没有意思说中国人就是做这种事的。我想我还是一个中国人。
    • 作为living common law一起报税, 应该没什么影响, 不过条件是要在一起12个月以上才行的.
    • 可能我有些愚,但每次看到我这些聪明的同胞心里总有些怕. 勿以善小而不为,勿以恶小而为之.
      • 上这网站就是为了看这种评论