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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 我打算3月31日在多伦多落地,当晚飞往MONTREAL,现有两个问题请教:1)加航国内航线(TORONTO-MONTREAL)在托运行李重量方面是否可以允许64公斤/每人.2)在多伦多机场是否可以立即买到去MONTREAL的机票,我指的是 有折扣价的机票,非票面价.有知情人士请告知,谢谢
    • 没有反应<?:"_+|
      • 如果你有了答案,麻烦你告诉我.谢谢
    • 1. don't know. 2. if you would like to save some money and don't mind less comfort, you can take shuttle bus or taxi to The Bus Terminal, then take Grey Hound to Ottawa.
      • you are a smart guy
      • Thanks a lot.
        • More, if you have drive license, you can simply rent a car directly from airport Hertz. For 60 bucks plus gas, everything is done. You return the car at Ottawa.
    • 1.yes; 2.you can buy it in China.
      • but as far as I know,if I buy the tickets in china,I can not get any discount on the fee,that will be up to 370CA$/per person.Thanks.