


  • 枫下家园 / 望子成龙 / 鸡毛信
    • innocence was lost long time ago.. cannot even remember when.... sad
    • lol
    • So cute...~!~
    • 真是好妈妈...
    • 呵呵呵呵,我们孩子给圣诞老人的信被我藏书包里,直到烂掉,并确认她忘了,就丢掉。几年前她看小孩杂志,里面登载了诗歌,还有鼓励投稿的地址。她写了诗,自己装信封里,又写了地址,让我寄,还说写诗会挣钱。我也是放了一段时间就丢掉了。
      • Are 你 truly 真诚且厚道吗?:)(:______ Please ... If one day they find out the truth, they will very possibly hate you for the rest of your life.
        • 以前学押韵,她经常溜出很好的顺口溜来,当然是很好的,自己很美。后来刚学诗的时候,以为她上上成的顺口溜就是诗,碰巧又知道刊载的话人家给钱。所以当时是心花怒放。现在过了几年了,人家开始害臊了,提都不能提那些事儿。
          • But this doesn't mean she will not treasure them when she's all grown up. My mom saved almost everything I have done since I was little, and I am so grateful that she did it.
            • And I will share those with my children in the future, and I can't wait to see how they will respond.
        • They won't hate you. In grade 2 or 3, most kids, especially with elder siblings know about Santa and they talk at school. A lot of kids choose to believe Santa after they hear about this just because they want the gifts.
          • Yeah, kids are a lot smarter than we think they are.
      • 为什么要丢掉呀?这是孩子成长的记录。这几天因为准备下个月搬家,收拾东西。翻出来好多孩子从学校拿回来的作业,project什么的,老师弄的,孩子只需要填填空什么的我们就扔了,孩子自己的写的东西,我都挑着留了下来。给santa的信,给tooth fairy 的信,我们都留下来了
        • Exactly.
        • 呵呵,我想吧,俺们小时候穷,没有留下一张半纸的,到现在就特别想要那一张半纸。人家现在啥都有,不经意留下的都满满几箱子了,太多,将来反而没人看。更何况那是我没有信守承诺的证据,不能留。
          • You are so cute. :))))))))))))
          • 我家女儿现在自己要保留。她爸爸嫌她留的太多,每天做工作丢。给santa的信让他们知道不会影响你的诚信的,因为你本来就骗了他们。:)写诗的应该寄出去,说不定人家不用也会回个信呢。
    • "她们会怎么想?会笑自己的天真?" No, instead, they will feel so lucky to have you as their parents.
    • 圣诞老人真给回信的,人都收到了.