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  • 相约北美 / 定居入籍 / 请问已移居加的移友,我目前在国内有美元20万(现汇)以上,有没有必要全部带入加。
    • 留下你的email
      • 你真是富有哇
    • 你开个火锅店,我给你当大堂经理。本人精通普通话、广东话、四川话、陕西话、东北话,熟悉上海话、南京话、英语和法语。
      • 凭这就想当经理啊?当个 Order taker 吧。
    • 非常想了解有无必要全部带走,怎么带走。国内今天的美金利率又降了,国家是得了红眼病了,不让咱老百姓有钱。
    • 带上吧。找个老外,开张汇票。也有人说在外国银行开个户头,转帐进去。
      • 谢谢各位,再次问大家,带入加的资金,是否要全部申报,对以后的生活有多大的影响。
        • you don't need bring all your cash but you have to declare all the money you want to bring to Canada.
          • When should I declare how much i will bring to Canada? I have landed, but so far no any opportunity to declare. I only was asked in the airport how much I had brought, but not how much i will bring to Canada.
    • Don't take all money to Canada because it will charge your interest income.It's better to go to the third place like HONGKONG HSBC to deposit you majority of money in a saving account which has internet banking fuction.