


  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / Bingle的《一周年纪念》
    • Good Article, wish you become a lucky man
      After 13 months waiting, I got my LP, the one who do not have immigrating experience cannot understand you article well. The God will help you get LP, just be patient, though the word we spoke to many guy, but we have no choice, a good news is behind you
    • 嘿嘿,诋毁尊夫人该当何罪。
    • Relax, bingle... 做好热身运动再过去也未必不好啊
    • Hi, there, you should be a writer, otherwise it's a waste! At the first sight, I have a little doubt, whether it's a letter to a girl, then at the second sight, I realised immediately what it really means. Be patient and good luck! lumlum
    • 放心吧,做不了"她"的"正室","偏房"总是轮得上的.
    • 一个月以来看到的最精彩的文章!
    • 千万里我追寻着你…… 可是你却并不在意 你不象是在我梦里…… 在梦里你是我的唯一……
      千万次的问 --刘欢

      可是你却并不在意 你不象是在我梦里
      (Refrain) Time and time again you ask me
      Time and time again I ask my self
      我今生看来注定要独行 热情已被你耗尽
      Time and time again you ask me
      Time and time again I ask my slef
      Time and time again you ask me
      Time and time again I ask my self
      问自己你到底好在哪里 好在那里
    • very excellent article.
      • 人生的等待
        • You make me cry. Yes, I do. What you say heats my weakness exactly. The only thing we can do is, enjoy our everyday. That's it. Be happy and be healthy. Thank your words. It really moves me. :o(