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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 请问有没有正在搞Data Warehouse and Business Intelligence的同志,现在这个领域的工作状况如何?本人马上要介入了,不知情景怎么样,敬请告之。另外,Websphere呢?
    • 使劲搞! 只会前途无量. 目前真正有这方面经验的人并不多.
      • Ok,thanks a lot.
    • One of my friend are in this field when he is in China. He told me that all agents told him it's much popular in US. Now, he is working as an Oracle developer. (So, the difference between US and Canada is huge, right?)
      • I don't think the diffirence between Ca and usa is very huge.But I am not sure. Maybe only God knows. :--)