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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 各位大虾:刚刚收到面试通知,可是上面说,不管配偶同行与否,都必须出席面试,否则不予面试或重新排队另行安排。我的配偶不可能届时出席,我该怎么办。十万火急。多谢各位!!! 不是以前可以只身前往吗?
    • 象使馆解释清楚为什么“配偶不可能届时出席”。
      • Thank you, roller. 你的意思是我当面解释?因为信上的措辞很吓人:提前说明,他会让我重新que,;只身前往,又说interview will not be held without the presence of spouse.
    • take ie easy
      I took the interview alone, the interviewer asked me the reason, I just
      said she was unavailable to go there. The reason was ok. Just think
      about your reasonable reason, take it easy.
      • Thanks a lot. When did you take it? In your interview notice, was it writing that you and your spouse must atend the interview, otherwise....? Thank you