


  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / Hi!!!我将与父母一起去多伦多.请问有没有去那儿的南京小朋友 ,我们交个朋友好吗?.(Alice,10 Years old)
    • 我可以和你交朋友吗? 我不是小朋友,一位大姐姐,你介意吗?
      • 大姐姐,我当然想和你做朋友啦!我现在在上海,去加拿大之前,我还要回一趟南京,到时候我请你吃肯德基,好吗? 现在我正在天天背英语呢.对了,我还要再问一句,你在忙什么?Alice
        • xixi,加拿大的肯德鸡可不怎么好吃。
          • 你是大姐姐还是大哥哥?你现在在多伦多吗?我想问你几 个问题:1.现在我十岁了,上三年级,到了那儿该上几年 级?2.那儿的功课难吗,有哪几门课?3.哪个学校好,几号 开学,刚开始我不懂英语怎么上课?Thank you! (Alice)
            • 对不起,我不知道小学情况,看看这里有没有叔叔阿姨,家里也有小朋友的,可以帮你回答这个问题吧。
            • 据我小孩的经历,你现有数学基础和运算能力应该可以对付此地学生五至六年级。关键是语言和其他功课。
              • English is a piece of cake for most kids under 12 years old. what needs to be worried about is the ability to READ, WRITE, AND SPEAK CHINESE.
              • 非常感谢您!
            • to Alice parents
              NJstar software caused input problems. I have to write to you in English.
              1. Your daughter may ask for Grade Four. But she will miss other programs she may not take in China. My daughter upgraded naturally, not jumped when she transferred to local canadian school from China.
              2. Courses include Math, Science and Technology, Languages, social studies, Health and Physical Traning, Art, Second Language (France), and ESL( or English as a Second language, especially for new immigrants). They are quite easy for most students who come from China.

            • to Alice parents (2)
              3. You may ask your local Chinese community where peoples know which school is better. Nomally, the school your daughter will attend depends on where are you living. You may like to choose the residence location where the desired school is close to.
              4. The firsr day of school will be Sept. 5 (Tues.) . Sept 4 is Laber Day, no school.
              5. The teacher will destine classmates to help your daughter, e.g, to explain daily homework. As mentioned above, your daughter will be required to take ESL The course normally lasts two years.
        • 我在忙着上下班,学习英语(上夜校),有时去健身.我觉得你这么小就上网,真不简单!姐姐也要向你一样多学一点.对于去一个陌生的环境,你想你会寂寞吗,只有让你听不懂话的小朋友?