


  • 枫下沙龙 / 谈天说地 / 我现住在温哥华,准备读计算机研究生,但我以前的专业是机械本科。听说这样很难被录取,是吗? 但有希望吗?该如何选择大学及准备?特别是在BC省?——————望诸位前辈多多帮忙!!!
    • 是啊!不过听说几家名气小一点的学校收非本专业的计算机研究生,可是有什么意思哪?另外,国外的计算机教育水平不低,你学了研究生就能真的“研究”吗?还是一切以就业市场为准。如果你是……
      • jerryzh, thanks. 我不是怕困难,只是多读几年本科有点不原意。
        • well, to be competent needs very strong educational background and enough experience
          • thanks
        • Why not? Think about this, if you could get a better job easier in the future, bachelor of good universities is quite helpful, especially your major is in computer. It's really worth.
          • I think it is good for me to get a bachelor's degree in computer first, because it may be very difficult to get a marst if I have not the background of the Bsc
        • 据说,本科的学习也非常不轻松,还是能学到不少的东西的!基础好,心里也塌实,不是吗?
          • you said right, thank you!
          • 问题是现在申请本科的人也不少,所以非计算机专业想念计算机研究生太难,原来在国内读计算机专业的想念研究生都很难报的人太多。
            • it is a bad news for me
    • Most CS master programs in Canada are thesis-based, which means they are looking for someone who is capable to do research in CS field. So normally they offer financial aid.With your background, it might be hard
    • And if you go for bachelor's degree, you pay the tuition, that's why it's easier to get admitted than master's program. BTW, without the cs background, you will have a hard time to deal with the master courses