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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / wjiang,你为什么说same money, less time, you can get University Degree ? seneca 一年要3000 , 而大学一年要6000-8000 。再说还要托福成绩!
    • wjiang ?!
    • I have addressed the issue for quite some time. Please take reference of my old posts. Thanks
      • I couldn't find it . I searched everywhere ! Can you re-address it ?
        • 1. prices are the same or close. 2. even if they are different, which one do you think is more expensive, 100 bucks for Village made shoes or 200 bucks for Italian ones?
        • Please Refer to #7004 in the Forum Historical Zone.
        • For wjiang, it's true because he has an outstanding TOEFL score ( I remember it's 630.) Not everyone is as good as he is.
          • Oh, thanks man.
            • "spitting out mad words"
            • Who is that "Guest"? why does he/she know you so well?
              • 我希望是个MM, 这个MM因为心里藏着对我的暗恋而备感生活美丽。如#40506
                • 精彩!
                • 西特!美的你。
                • 为什么引我的帖子?什么意思吗?!!!我可不是那位guest!
                  • 看来MOON RIVER心里没我。
                    • For sure! 你大冷天撂人家在雪地里白等半个多小时,叫人家怎么心里有你法呀?要有也是恨哪。
                      • 那我现在该怎么办才能弥补呢?
                        • 想办法让她因恨成爱。这就可以两相抵消再无瓜葛了。
                • NARCISSISM!
                  • 那些不懂这个单词的, 我也刚查过字典, 意思是:
                    a beautiful youth who was caused to fall in love with his own reflection in th ewater of a spring. He pined away and was changed into the flower called Narcissus.
                    • Jiang, originally I want to used the word ' Egomania'. But seems this one suit you even better. :)
                      • egomania: the quality or state of being extremely self-centred or conceited.
                    • 噢。东了。就是自恋狂嘛。
                    • From American Traditional Dictionary -- Ha Haaaaa Haaaaaaa :-)
                      Erotic pleasure derived from contemplation or admiration of one's own body or self, especially as a fixation on or a regression to an infantile stage of development.
                      • You mean wjiang is so
                        EROTIC! Haha
                    • 就是长得跟大蒜一样的水仙啊。
                      • 谢谢自恋狂们。 但你说的并不完全正确。 1年半,13000CAD$ 。 不便宜。
    • 看是不是值要看投入产出比,不能只看净投入。