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  • 枫下家园 / 美食天地 / 有朋自远方来,想在Sheppard&404附近(<10km)找经济实惠的中餐馆搓一顿,大家有什么好建议?
    • 贵的:WEST OF LESLIE&SHEPPARD, 牛家庄京川菜; 经济实惠的: 天皇名粥, Leslie & Finch (north-east). 自助餐: ABBACUS(如意) AT FAIRVIEW MALL
      • TTC能到的BUFFET是那一家?我在东区
        • Take bus 25(Don Mills) or 85(Sheppard). Get off at Fairview Mall. If you come from far south, ABACUS has another branch at Don Mills Center at Don Mills & Lawrance East. (Actually there is one in almost every major shopping mall)
          • how much they charge? Is it Chinese food?
            • Around 12$ for dinner, 7$ for lunch(?) Dim Sum is available.
            • goto Eglinton & Birchmount, there is 自助餐 'Mandarin' there, around $14.99/per.
        • sheppard and birchmount, ECHO BUFFET, Chinese food, lobster,crab, fish etc. $11.99 for weekday, 12.99 for weekend
          • really? This sound great! 'Mandarin' 'Mandarin' is too expansive, no lobster anc crab, and it is pro-westen style.