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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / Oh, my god! I got my job offer as a graphic designer!
    Thank you, Rollor, the first post I pasted on this site was replied by you!
    Thank you, Wonton soup, you encouraged me a lot on my job searching!
    Thank you, Wjang, your answer about "go to university or try to find a job" is very helpful for me!
    Thank you, Sailor, for providing me a stage to try my first web page design, which became my first Canadian experience in Canada!
    Thanks every kind people in this site!

    j ang-xiong, please help me to correct my English.
    • Wah...Congratulations!!! English? forget it for a while! Enjoy your job!
    • 哇, 恭喜恭喜。上次错过了你的四川火锅。记得你要补回来。
      • Sure sure!!! 好象下个星期又有聚会,不如就下个礼拜吧!时间你们定,地点你们定,我是随叫随到!
    • Congratuations!!!!
    • Congratulation! Please remember to design a new face for us, hehe....
    • I am really glad you can make it, feifei. I know you've been trying very hard but finally you've got what you want. Why don't you share your experience with those friends who are still depressed and struggling hunting for a job?
      • I am listening!
    • 恭喜。是不是可以按版主的意见给这个坛子添点面子?
    • Congratulation!!! There are four Chicken legs frozen in my refrigerator. Would you cook "纸包鸡" for us in next time?
    • 恭喜恭喜!呵呵,偶觉得偶的感觉好像没错,昨天在网上查职位时,发现比偶刚扔简历时工作多多了。
      • usually which website do you check?
    • Feifei 是 Rolia 的图形设计师。很多人被吸引到这个网站,与你出色的界面设计分不开。今天你终于得到了自己应有的第一份位置,正如古人所云:得其所哉。当然,也是对其他新移民的巨大鼓舞。祝:脚踏实地,展翅凌云。
    • 恭喜恭喜!
    • 可喜可贺!可惜我没有帮上什么忙