


  • 工作学习 / English / Still, the language will be the biggest issue...有谁在半年内能 把英文说得和native american一样好?俺在和老鬼子开会,一塌糊涂。。
    • very very few people can get rid of accent if they come after 15 yrs old.
      • accent is not a problem -- it makes us special and distinguished. what i concern is ..
        the communication skills and fluence. u know, in business world, how
        westners can understand our Chinese culture and grammer...
        speaking Chinglish makes me feel un-professional.
        • english with accent <> chinglish, man. you can do anything if you are confident enough.
    • Many People here, even some Canadians have accent. Newfoundlanders always say "tumb" in stead of "thumb".
      • come on, don't sound silly, I mean the CHINESE accent. What newfoundlanders, australians, new zealanders, and hawaiians speak are still NATIVE English.