


  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 请问有哪位夏天去香港面试,告知是否要着西装?
    • I had my interview in HK last summer. Business attire is a must! Make yourself presentable!
      • you arrived in Hongkong through travel agency or got 港澳通行证? could you tell me in details?thank you.
        • I'll get there through a travel agency next month.
      • What time is your interview date? I will go to Hongkong for interview on Aug. 11 from Shanghai. Where are you from? Shall we be friend together?
        • I come from xi'an,and my interview date is Aug.7.
          • Hi, I am Ponder, from Shanghai. When you come back , can you tell me something about the interview? My e-mail is : sherry1026@sohu.com
        • hi, sleepy cat. I am from SH. When you come back, can you tell me something about the intervew for details? my e-mail: sherry1026@sohu.com
    • could you tell me the procedure by which you could go through customs smoothly?
      • Details:
        My passport is so called "active" as I have been to many places in the world. When my wife and I had to attend the interview in HK, we applied for a visitor visa to Thailand, made a detour via Bangkok. Applying for a visitor visa to Thailand is easy. You can do the same.
        • thank you
    • Yes, you should, anyway, HK is always in summer.
    • 领馆所见:Interviewees > 20 per morning (8:00-11:30). 99% are Chinese(mainland). 即将去面试的同志们请进。。。
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛早上八点不到俺就到了交易广场,去年来过一回,所以直上12F,没想到电梯门一开,黑黑压压站满了人。
      我去窗口。小姐态度并不十分好,虽然在笑着。第一句话就批评我不该来问有关ROL FEE的,好象我正在犯严重的错误 --好在来之前我把问题都写在纸上,不然就给虾着了。原来consulate收到钱之后是应该给收据的,不过要求
      今后各位来面试,一定要练练嗓子。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • congradulation on your free interview. can you tell me you deliver the form to the Beijing or to Hongkong? my e-mail: sherry1026@sohu.com thx a lot. good lucky with you forever.
        • submitted to HK last Nov..