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  • 工作学习 / IT杂谈 / 在座的同志是否有系统分析员, 平常工作是用 Rational Rose 和 UML 来设计系统的?? 交流交流好吗?! 另外, 此职位薪水如何??
    • 高啊,我用ClearQuest!
    • 前途大大的有!
      • 可是初来乍到,谁会放心一开始就让你做设计呢?UML在印度跟C++一样,都是基本功。不知道加拿大如何?有这样的职位吗?
        • 当然不是做设计啦。会用这些工具的移民同志应该没有几个不会写code的吧?那不就成了?
    • My answer
      There are two methodologies for me.
      For large projects, the choice is RUP(Rational Unified Process).
      For small projects, XP(Extreme Programming) is the best one.

      If you are a java developer, try together control center. I think it's better than Rose.

      Let me kown if you guys have any further questions.

      • Ask cheers
        Hi cheers:

        顺便问问 XP 是什么东东?
        • "cheers"? haha... you are so funny.
        • Hi,
          I think you are gonna learn UML, check www.omg.org and you can find more information about it. Rose is just a case tool, it's very easy to learn it, but you need more time to learn UML.

          XP is a new software development methodology for small projects, check www.xprogramming.com for further explains.

          • Thanks a lot!

            Thank you very much!

            Good Luck