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  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 请教?如果递案时my wife没有共同申请,我目前又处于等待Waiver的状态,my wife 何时才能开始申请家庭团聚?
    • you can only apply for 家庭团聚 when you are landed immigrants. Now, you can add your wife's documentation to your application. You may have to wait more time for adding your wife's in, but it worths.
      • Thanks for your reply.But, I wonder whether it will interfere with my case if I add my wife's document right now?You know, I haven't got my LP so far.BTW, how long will the reunion be successful?
        • I believe the only thing it will interfere your case is that you may have to wait for some more time. Now that the big environment here is not so good, you can just take this time to add your wife in.
          As far as I know (I am not sure), it may takes 6 to 12 months to get your wife's visa if you come here first and apply for a TuanJu.