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  • 枫下家园 / 住房话题 / 我想了解有关院子的事:种草,养花,种菜....
    • 喝!有钱啊, 住Rosedale. 如果院子大的话换新草皮太麻烦,我家两年心的草皮到现在在都还没长好,老得施肥,否则得话黄一大片. 买些草籽撒吧,两星期就长起来了.
      • 我是要买草籽撒得,但不知要什么手续?
      • 关键是每年要请专业的公司来做一次"打草根"的程序,然后将草剪极短,再施肥,这一年就会长的很好了,一般不用撒草子.新的草皮一定要做此程序,因为根还没长好.这也是我花钱买的教训啊.
    • Lawn Care Company
      If you want to make your lawn thick, green and lush all season long, why not try some lawn care companies here in Toronto, e.g. Green Lawn, Weed Man, Dr. Green. This is a good option if your lawn is in a real terrible condition. Of course, you can also do lawn care by yourself. The point is that if you hire a company for the 1st year, the 2nd year you will find the job much easier when you do it yourself.
      • The point is that if you hire a company for the 1st year, the 2nd year you will find the job much easier when you do it yourself. 挺对!但不知要多少钱
        • The price is
          Different lawn care companies offer different services and pricing is different too. And pricing also depends on your lot size. Generally, their program consists of applications such as fertilizing, weed control, insect control. It is carried out from April to Sept. Prices may range from $100-$200 for the season (Apr.-Sept.).
          • I'll ask and try. Thanks a lot.
        • 要不了多少前,几百两银子,得看那种package. 打理院子是一种享受,为什么花钱让别人来享受叻.
          • 打理好的院子事一种享受,糟糕的就不一定了--很辛苦的
            • 可能个性不同吧,我是什么都喜欢自己做,买来的和自己做的感觉很不一样.朋友去年用股票上赚的钱在Huntsville买了一块湖边度假地, 才2万多. 叫我们几个朋友夏天周末帮他盖一个小木屋. 诱惑吧. 我也决定放弃买新车的计划,钱应该这样子使.