


  • 枫下沙龙 / 游山玩水 / 古巴 墨西哥 旅游答疑
    • 古巴是毛式社会主义国家,治安非常好. 墨西哥治安则很差, 在网上有看见一些入酒店房间盗窃,盗用信用卡,和谋财害命的案例.
      • You go & enjoy your vacation! You will be alright in Mexico. You should be more concerned about getting AIDS fooling around with pretty girls. The sky may fall down on you before you get robbed in Mexico. Don't listen to hearsays.
        • You are a GRINGO in Mexico, then you are an easy prey by local thugs when staying in the resort. Common sense prevails and you should know how to protect yourself and avoid some local bars and drugs.
    • 请问去古巴或者mexico前有必要打疫苗吗?
      • for vacation package in hotel, not all. for backpacker, i think - no .
        • Got u. Thanks.
      • You DO not need shots for Caribbean islands or Mexico. If you want to fool around, suggest that you take AIDS, HERPES, GONORRIHEA, SYPHILLS, TRICHMONIASIS, CHLAMYDIA, & HEP B serum shots.
        • AIDS has no preventive serum injection. If you got AIDS, you could die like cancer attack.
    • 要带4岁和1岁的孩子去Mexico Cancun all inclusive ,有几个问题想问问去过的朋友:1/蚊子多吗?最怕蚊子了。2/带多少美金合适,要先换好墨西哥钱吗?3/应该带两stroller 还是一个 4/ 现在就那遗址一定会去,还有什么带着孩子也能玩的地方推荐吗?多谢
      • 1. there are 蚊子s in the night, you need spray to avoid bite. I got bites when going out without spray. It is same happening in Toronto summer, right?
        2. depends how do you spent the money. but for my family, we did not buy anything. we only gave out the tips. 3. we didn't bring stroller, but next time we will. you need one at least for the 1 year old baby. but will not use a lot if you stay most time in the beach, hard to move stroller in the sand, right? 4 you can take bus for 2-3$/person to go one of maya ruins at least. Enjoy.
        • 多谢。
    • 请问从墨西哥机场回来时免税店化妆品多么?价格有注意吗?谢谢。
    • 请问tourist card是在登机时自己买吗还是旅行社给的?
      • for Mexico, they give out the tourist card on the plane.
        • thanks, but how about Cuba ?