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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / Bad News, Just get laid off. 急!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    真是流年不利, 怕什么来什么. 今天以上班, 老板通知开会, 我们整个UNIT解散, 所有人都LAID OFF(包括我老板). 两个星期后走路.

    请问过来人, 我会不会拿到什么文件证明我被LAID OFF而不是自己辞职或GET FIRED?

    有谁申请过EI? 能拿多少? 多长时间? 我过去三年年年都交足了EI.

    另外, 我再找工作时要不要告诉AGENT或公司我已经被LAID OFF? 是不是要SHOW文件给他们看?

    • 怕什么?老板会给你一份材料去证明你是被laidoff 的。你要通知你就近的human resources canada 有关于你的事。据说一个月可以拿到1400-1500个大洋呢。
      • 每个星期最多拿$435(?), 多长不太清楚. 也算收入,给你的时候扣了税. 你再找工作的时候可以直说,不用给文件给他们看.
    • You will receive a ROE(Record of Employment) from your boss. Take the ROE and a void check to a HRDC near you, fill out some form at the touch-screen computer and a officer will interview you.
      Based on your words, you will be eligible for at most 9 months' EI. You will get 55% of your income monthly or $1625 per montn, whichever is less. That is the money you will get before tax.

      Layoff is not your fault. You don't need to feel ashame. If the agent or employer ask, just tell them.

      I got layoff ten days ago. No big deal.
    • Check this site you will get what you need to know
    • Thanks for all your warm hearted help. Now I feel a lot better.
    • 你们公司应该给Package 吧。我们这儿走路的人起码可拿半年工资。