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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!


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  • 枫下沙龙 / 体育爱好者 / 各位运动健将:本周末到底是排球还是足球?什么时候?在哪?快来人挑头呀。
    • 还是足球好。排球如果仅仅围一圈玩的话,运动量不够大。如果打比赛,我的水平也就是能把球打过网去。
      • 一年的排球专项就这水平?
      • 我在大学里是班级的主攻手(不要脸),至今对网上手腕的变化羡慕不已,我扣球的结果通常以下网而结束
    • 另,两周前一起踢过球的大虾们注意,我已经把当时参加者的名单发到各位的信箱,请查收。如果没有意见,本周六下午3点老地方见。清自己联系 Car Pool。如果还有其他朋友要来请给我发 Email。
      • DAVID, 我怎么没有收到????
        • 你没看到,他写的是”踢过球的大虾们“,不是”看过球的PPMM“。嗯,david我好像也没收到吗?你怎么把我也归到那一累了吗?
          • YELLOW,黄瓜,你们仍旧归我带吧。
            • 先谢了!
            • 不好意思,刚刚看到,麻烦来接我吧,谢谢。
          • 可恶的 Hotmail, 好像不能用 pop3 & smtp 功能了。我又懒得一个一个地加名字,已经交给 Egg 去做 mailing list 了。
            • 可怜的EGG。
            • david,please help me.I live don mills and Eglinton now,Whose car can take me.teltephone:416-425-0607
            • 可以改用YAHOO。
            • 刚试过,可以用的
          • 不好意思 :"PPMM” WHAT DOES THIS MEANING ?
            • 漂漂妹妹(就是漂亮妹妹)
              • 一念之差,好悬啊!PPMM 我还理解成为 “婆婆妈妈”
            • 婆婆妈妈????
      • Where?
      • Where? Is behind FENGHUA supermarket?
      • Sports Fan
        Hi, David

        Please give me a shout next time when u guys play soccer or volleyball
        or tennis or....

    • 要是rollor去,顺便把我也稍上吧,先谢了
      • OK。DAVID,定了吗,在哪?
    • please make sure about the time and place
    • 踢球时间能不能改为星期六上午?
      • 上午要睡懒觉、维护车辆…………。还是下午三点在 Tam O'Shanter park is in Birchmount&huntingwood.between Finch and Sheppard. Mailing list 还没有做出来,Sorry. 还是先电话联系吧。
    • 申请蹭车,Eglinton/McCowan
      • I LOVE to go, Can sb pick me up at Eglinton/Donmill, My cell is always open tomorrow (5643847), thx.
    • It was raining. But I still went to the field. Nobody there. Waited for some minutes, ended up getting onto Internet in Agincourt Libarary.
      • 我也去了。下车就下很大雨,又搭车回来了。
        • me too, not lucky today, hehe...
          • me too, but I gone to Walmart to shopping.
      • Sorry, Sorry, Really very sorry. Next time we will try to make an appoint with the God. Hope he can arrange a good weather for us.
        • send me a mail from your hotmail box...i want to add you into my MSN massenger.
          • Inthesky, are u the God? :)
            • en...I will consider your advice seriously...haha...
              • poor god. I damn it. Today I walked to the playground and there are no people there. so I return home. how about tomorrow? HI david Pls give me the phone list of football guys so I can reach them easily.
                • Egg is making a mailing list.
                  • How about this weekend
              • The other Bill, I mean Bill Gates, must be so happy that god also use MSN messenger. hehe..
    • 有踢足球的吗?算我一个,我在birchmount和401,我刚到一个月。 我的email : rui@netease.com
    • 拜托大家能不能写上是哪个周六啊?几月几号行吗?也让我这刚来的好参合参合。谢谢。