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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 有谁看了昨天的中国外交部的录象?关于中美战斗机空中残斗的那一段,那两架美国战机我开始一看就是F-18大黄峰, 怎么到了后来演到我机逼进的时侯怎么变成双座的了,而且鸡头看来象F-14 Tom cat, 后座的小子还在拍照.F-18 有双座的吗?
    • what's the video for?
    • 那是剪辑的。后来的那只没错就是汤姆猫。
      • 哦,能看出中国战斗机的形号吗?机翼在飞行员的座位下面, J-7,J-8,JH-7 都不象,到很象Su-27双座形.可能从后座拍摄的.
        • en..reasonable...maybe Su-27. It confused me too. I just cannot remember which chinese fighter have two seats. If it's Su-27, the photo might be taken on east-sea.
        • Su27 is my favorest fighter. it's one of few beautiful stuff made by Soviet.
          • Have you seen the new J-10 flying pic from Chengdu airplane company that leaked out on the internet few weeks ago? It's looked even better.
            • yeah, it looks nice. "Some experts believe that the Israeli contribution will focus on avionics and radar, with Russia supplying the engines. "
            • where is it?! can you tell me the url?
              • search 'J10 '
    • PLA还没有蠢到到关公门前耍大刀