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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 不同的学校,对TOEFL的要求都不一样吗?如果抵加一年后申请政府贷款去多大读计算机,TOEFL要多少分?是不是多大的计算机对TOEFL的要求比其他学校的高?还要其他什么考试吗?谢谢
    • TOEFL: 600+. GRE. Excelent GPA.
      • what 's GPA
        • Grade Point Average
          • please explain to me in chinese?thanks
            • It is a grading system that north American colleges/universities use to score your courses. A = 4.0 (some years ago A+ can score 4.x), B =3.0, C=2.0 D=1.0. The average score of all the courses you have taken is called GPA.
              Compared to the 100 point system in China, some agencies consider that 85 and above = A, 75-84 = B, 65-74 = C, below 64 is D. If you fail, the grade wil be F, no point, but the course will be recorded on your transcript.

              Normally GPA >= 3.6 will be considered as very good.
          • thank YoKou for your help. but in my university china , the grade is a,b,c,d,e, a=90 up , b= 80 up, c= 70 up d= 60up e= below 60; my some couse is use the grade, how did they konw the difference ?
            • please help me to give the answer ?
    • The min. score of TWE UT required is 5.
    • if my university average score is only 76, can i apply UT master in CS. i get BS in cs in Chian? thanks
      • have you done any research? 76 looks quite low.
        • i did not do any reserach , but have been worked in IT for almost 6 years.