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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / In Canada, the job market is so terrible! Yesterday, I went to a job fair held in Metro Convention Centre. Too few companies and too few agencies there!! I couldn't find any company who know the computer field i ever worked in. Too bad!
    • People here doesn't find their job by job fair, and it's normal (regret to pay the commision?) I think the most popular way is internet
    • 是这样我看到一个人问ROGER的recruiter 有没有IT的职位那个人大笑,说已经有A MILLION 的人问过他这个问题了!
      • Buddy, donot lose confidence, I work there, We are always seeking new employee for the mobility of IT people. Find a good, big AGENCY is very important.
    • I can't agree with u any more. I the job fair, I could find many Chinese young ppl! If they are in mainland, they are all excerpts in thier field!
    • Whether UNIX is dead or not in here??
    • Job fair here is totally different than those in China. Far less busier or crowded than back home. Poeple go to the job fair not to find a job, but to learn something.