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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请问有谁在university of waterloo 数学系的研究生?请教申请方法:托福及其他...
    • You can get all the information you need from their site
      • Yes. I got those informations. But I still want to know some details about: Is it hot or not?
        • sorry, what do you mean by hot? the weather? or the courses
          • Hot?! hehehe, you're so hot I'm so cool.
      • are those courses hot? Is it easy or difficult to get in?
    • 我的CS本科成績不是太好﹐平均分76﹐而切有的60幾分﹐在這裡申請MASTER是不是很 difficult, 我這重情況怎麼辦好﹖ thanks