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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 我想去waterloo 读数学系研究生,还没考托福,请学长和旁观者提供建议..Thanks in advance.
    • what's the purpose of applying for that?
      • 虽说我有M. E.E., 但是是二把刀。我想学数学系,自己本身有点兴趣,语言要求会低一些,本地申请的人不会太多。毕业以后总可以找到工作
        • Don't be fooled by degrees. You've got enough, from my point of view. I'd rather improve Languages first. No matter how good your expertises are, if you can't talk, you stay at home.
        • Actually applied mathematics of UW is more famous than its CS(CS is a part of math department), and it's the biggest math department during the universities in North America. It's not easy to get the offer as CS.
      • 你在waterloo 读吗?我真的好想去读数学系研究生。
      • If you know something related to U W other than from the web site, you must tell me. Please.
      • It seems CS is a part of department of Math. So it will be hot? Tons of applicants?
        • There're five departments in the Faculty of Mathematics: Applied Mathematics, Combinatorics&Optimization, Computer Science, Pure Mathematics, Statistics and Actuarial Science. You'd better learn more from www.math.uwaterloo.ca
          • How about the department of Statistics and Actuarial Science. Do you have any suggestion.
            • I'm not working in this field, but I think it's a good profession. I heard a Ph.D. of statistics works as the trainer for internal auditors in GE and it's a cozy job.
              The students always get a job in bank, insurance company or some other big companies.By the way, it seems that more than half of the graduate students in Math are chinese.
    • For undergraduate study, what is difference between general student and mature student? What is con. and pro. to apply for mature student?