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  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 同志们, 谁有申请学生贷款的经验请进!
    我有一朋友, 今年九月准备度MBA, 想申请安省和联邦政府贷款, 但发掘有个income小于$6200的限制, 下列问题向大家请教,
    1.这个income指什么? 是否不包括银行存款, 只是利息收入?
    2. 他和他领导的收入可以分开来吗? 因为他领导有工作, 是否就不能贷款? 如果他现在另立户头与他领导财务独立, 会被怀疑吗?
    3.需提前多长时间申请能赶上今年秋季入学? 是否有申请期限?

    多谢了! 我也顺便学些经验.*_*
    • I only know: I have a job, and my leader's application is refused.
      • Who is the leader? in my home, my son is always the leader. funny.
      • Thank you, bloor! How long does it take from submitting application and receiving the refused notice?
        • I can't remember, maybe 2 or 3 weeks.
          • www, 这么短时间就悲剧了! :(
    • 分账户是没有用的。至少我在 Scotia Bank 的客户经理是这么说的。BTW, 你的朋友去那个大学读 MBA 啊?
      • 就是HALIFAX的一个学校. 你开始申请贷款了吗? 最近是否很忙? 下回体求教上我, 现在身体好的很呢...*_*
        • is this true: if i have not lived 12 , i will never borrow money during the school?
          You have lived in Ontario for 12 consecutive months immediately before the start of your most recent period of full-time postsecondary studies.
          In certain circumstances, you can meet OSAP's Ontario residency requirements on the basis of the residency of your partner (if applicable) or parent(s)(if applicable). You must fill out the OSAP application to determine whether your residency can be based on htat of your partner or parent(s).
          • From what you wrote, it should be true. *_*
          • 可以先贷 Federal 的贷款
            • David, 再拿查联邦贷款的信息呀? *_*
              • 到学校的网页上找连接。
    • 我申请两个月后才拿到, 不用担心.