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  • 枫下茶话 / 法律 / Hi, dear every lades and gentleman: could i get answer where to apply 返加证?,whether can apply at HK consult just landing regist SIN card and return immediately?
    • urgent. My LP date coming, but I need pay more time at my subject, could every one how to apply return resident permit?
    • Sam, try 010-65323536 (Ca Embassy in BJ) to confirm my answer. In my understanding, we can return to China after landing/registering the SIN card. As long as we go back to Ca in <=6 months, it's unnecessary to apply for the Returning Paper.
    • 你还没落地,要什么返加证?先落地,然后在落地城市申请返加证,然后离加。
      • 如果离境不超过183天是无须反家证的。75块加币。
      • go to www.canada.org.cn -->hongkong or beijing, you can find information about the Returning Resident Permit. You can try to apply for it. but I don't think you would succeed in obtaining it.
        • Hi thanks every gentleman, i get a chance oversea training and my object will good at finding a job at US, so need work at china for more two years. must apply it at CA? can apply it at HK consult?
          • It should not be too hard to apply the return permit for the first time, but it only give you 6 months more. It will be harder for the second time.
        • Hi, Wins, could you tell me why not succeed to apply it now?
          • 你可以在海外申请的.只是为了说服移民官相信你最终会在加拿大定居,一般有两种情况:在加拿大有物业;配偶在加拿大有工作(人质).否则,失败的几率很大.所有的申请表都可以下载.
      • Hi roller,whether must apply return permit at CA, and can apply it at HK or BJ?
        • Did you check www.canada.org.cn?
          • i check it two months ago. the reason have figure out, but don't know whether can work, one reason is complete training at those , correct?
            • 据我所知,参加教育是申请返加证的合理理由之一,但不知道你的培训算不算。无论如何,返加证时给永久居民保留身份用的,你落地之前不是永久居民。你必须先落地。
              • go europe training of software two months, i don't whether admit by Consult,will land on Oct, whether can regist Sin card and fly back HK apply RRP?
                • 不明白。
    • 拿到返加证,可以在外面呆多长时间?
      • as long as 24 months