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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 我在申请材料中,法语水平一栏填的是"With difficult",现正在临时抱佛脚,请问面试时,移民官是否会考我的法语,大概到什么程度才算“with difficult"? 谢谢。
    • =Limited User,相当于雅思的4分。//填了with difficult没有意义吧?
      • 现在看起来确实是没有任何意义,只是对“搬起石头砸自己的脚”有了深刻体会。呜......
        • Not really. Maybe on the other hand that shows you have some French foundation and can pick up French easier when it's necessary after you come.
    • U'd better not even mention it, if u just have poor level. It will make it worse, if u are nervous in the interview because of those french questions, and it will not increase ur total marks.
      • Thanks for your kindly suggestion, but it's too late now. Another question, 我于去年底换了工作单位,但是。。。
        I changed my company in the end of last year, but did not inform the immigration officer. What shall I do now? Must I mail the new reference letter to the officer now? Will it be too late? Or just tell him and show him the new reference letter in the interview. Thanks!
        • I do suggest u mail the updated resume and updated reference letter to the officer, because my immigration company in China once told me that. Everything should be the safe side, right? Good luck!
          • Thanks LumLum, you are a kind and interesting guy.