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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 做饭时油烟蛮大的, 请问各位JJMMGG, 那种清洁剂较好用于清洁电炉锅台, 橱柜, 烤箱? 我来的时间不长, 方向还没有完全搞清楚.
    • VIM, a super powerfull stuff.
      • 刚试过VIM, 清洁洗涤池不错, 但怀疑它能用来清理橱柜(好像是液体状的去污粉), 会不会刮花表面? 试着清洁烤箱, 轻油垢管用, 重的好像费了很大力也没用.
        • Try Glass Clean, but you'd better wear plastic glove when you use it. or Try Oven clean that is for oven inside clean, very strong. and its smell is terrible.
          • thank you for reminding me about safety. I think it is important to me, especially in my first 3 months living in Canada.
    • "Fantastic" is better . If the stain too heavy, try "easy off".
    • buy "S.O.S" steal wool soap pads, $1/pack, 4pc. 黄盒篮字,各大超时均有卖的。尤其是擦锅台和烤箱效果最好,擦之前,沾点水即可。擦热锅台时效果最好。注意不要烫手