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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 这里还有在找CISCO工作的战友吗?

    • 白老虎啊,看上去你是搞WAN的,这方面人比较牛,但缺位也比较少,因为一般公司都最多只是个STUB AREA, 一般也就是个NAT后面的PRIVATE NETWORK。
      LAN相反,比较简单,但要的人多。CISCO的人大概应该对OSPF比较熟悉巴, 最好懂MOSPF,你可以在一些R§D的公司,现在很多做QoS的公司,都在研究阶段,比如DiffServer等等,都要于OSPF联系起来, 你可以去那里做SYSTEM ENGINEER,帮助他们安装TEST NETWORK。 你要是懂BGP,就更好了, 大的BACKBONE公司里SYSTEM ENGINNER的职位大把。 再不行,你可以研究一下VPN, FIREWALL,NAPT,NAT这些,往LAN方面转一转,比起WAN来,LAN最简单不过
      • WAN/LAN 我都干过,ROUTERS, LAN SWITCHES,VLANS。。。WINDOWS NT/2000我也有些经验。好象加拿大目前两者机会都不多。
      • 那些东东我都懂,OSPF,BGP4,VPN,QOS,MPLS,NAT,FIREWALL。。。但,还是不好找。
    • I even concentrate at ATM 1998, but now change to program
      • Do you want to return into this industry?
    • I have two ex-colleagues who are looking for these kinds of jobs. One of them just got CCNP. Wish all of you have a good luck!
      • heard of CA boss need their employee know anything like network program...
    • 你说老油和MAPLEGUY都撤了是什么意思,回国了? 在次透露一个内部消息! TELUS in BC ,原BCTEL, is going to hire a lot of people on telecommunication and IP network engineer and operation support .据说BC的OPERATION部门平均年龄在51岁以上,正在招人。
      TELUS in BC ,原BCTEL, is going to hire a lot of people on telecommunication and IP network engineer and operation support .据说BC的OPERATION部门平均年龄在51岁以上,正在招人。
      • Same story in many traditional industry company all over canada, most emploees are middle age women in our company. For young IT man are flexible and flowable, only middlw age women have nowhere to go.
        • 什么公司!?
          • Cable Operational Support
      • Really?one week ago, I met some cisco guy in a cisco newsgroup, he formerly worked for Telus and had two years cisco gear experience as a network analyst...
        He located in Van, but after three months hunting jobs, he told me there's "ZERO" job for cisco. So he will come back eur working for a cisco partner and taking his CCIE certificate,but he's in different situation, he migrated into this country from eur with his parents when he was in his tens and have had the citizenship for five years.All his cisoc experience was from canada telus.