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  • 工作学习 / English / 英语发音测验:1、ANTI- (如ANTI-POLLUTION)读做“安替”还是“安太”;2、EITHER读做“依啧”还是“哎啧”;3、ROUTE读做“入特”还是“入奥特”。
    • 我的回答是:1a, 2b,3a. 对么?请指教。
      • 2的a是美音,别的就不知道了.
    • Rollor, Wonderland 的票还能弄到吗?cyt 的票给了Bloor, 我得再找个司机了。
      • Terribly sorry about that. Hope to have honor to serve you next time, more hope of you to pass the test.
        • 谢谢!俺领导平常接我开Local 就能开到 80迈,整个一个公路杀手。可是总也不敢上高速。现在可以让她练去了。
    • in US,some ppl read 'either' as '依啧” ,some “哎啧".they are both correct.
    • For Q2, it's both OK for /i:/ or /ai/, 70% people like to read /i:/, 30% read /ai/ (it's told from radio today)
      • 对。我也是听了广播才长了学问,拿来与大家分享的。
      • 我今天早上刚听了广播,看到这道题本想露一手,哈哈哈,居然,,,High Hand, High Hand, 佩服佩服!
    • 1. I am quite sure it is A. I pronounced like that more than a thousand times and heard many natives have the same pronouciation. But when I heard the movie advertisement for Anti-trust, it used B. This really confuse me, but I still use A. 2. A 3. A
      • advertisement 该读为什么?ad ' Vur tis ment , or, 'Ad vur ' Taiz ment in Toronto?
        • A.
    • 1a and 1b, 2a, 3b
    • The diferences here maybe caused by American English and UK English. Originally, Canadian English was more like UK. But now with the culture intrusion from the US, Canadian English is getting more and more American accent.
      That explains the 70%, 30% distribution.
      • 有一定道理。但我认为,加拿大英语单音的发音方式应该与美语相似,如字母A的读法,都是一两百年前的英国人的发音方式。但由于加拿大在政治上从属于英国,所以在拼写和重音选择上偏向于英式。
    • 谢谢各位回答。今早CBC广播情的专家说:1、美国读安太,本地读安替;2、e-Tian说得对。3、美国人两种读法都有,本地读入特。
      • My answers are native Canadian English. hehe
    • 据说Q3, 平时读/ru:t/, 搞协议的愿意读/raut/
    • 最近才发现美国人把Multi读作茅台