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  • 枫下沙龙 / 时尚 / MMs in Totonto: Clinique is sending package!
    5555! The third time type this post! Kick Win98!!!

    I went to Eatons centre in Young. I bought a dongdong with 22$ and got a package with lipstick, eye mascara, eye shadow, eye cream and a face cream.
    Do this often happen here? hehe! I love this game!
    • 倩碧是经常有这样的活动的,我觉得差不多一个有就有一次。所以你要买这个牌子的话,一定要等有促销时候买,反正也不用等很长时间。————HERCULES的领导
      • 明天就去,这可是我找工作得动力之一,哈,要求不高吧。
      • 同意,同意. 好牌子几乎经常有,而且在大店里都有.评喜好抓住机会即可.
      • 老婆,我给你在Rolia里新注册了一个ID,叫“Pandora”,密码你知道。你以后发言就不用再打“我的领导”了。不过你需要先退出我的ID,方法是:点网页上面的“Sing Off”,在出现一个新页面(上书“Bye...”)之后按一下刷新键,再进入“枫下论坛”发言就可以用你自己的ID了。
        • @_@ ?????
        • 刷新,刷新,再刷新。没有新贴子了。oh, We call it a day. I will fall on straw now.
          • Hey, hey, buddy, I'm still here, don't go! I am sorry to hear your bad news. You'll pass it next time.
    • That's what I'm looking forward to. I almost run out of the last bottle I bought last Sep. Seems like they provide this kind of promotion twice a year.