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  • 工作学习 / IT技术讨论 / can anybody do me a favor, that I need some of source code about chess game which was written by java language, if so, please send me before Sunday(you can post here or send me to f_yca@163.com). Thank you very much!
    can anybody do me a favor, that I need some of source code about chess game which was written by java language, if so, please send me before Sunday(you can post here or send me to f_yca@163.com). Thank you very much!
    • 现在懑的手法越来越高 !
    • haha, gottcha, do you know what I did to those students who had cheated on their projects? I let them explain the code line by line to me.
      • 每个人的CODE STYLE都不同,一眼就看的出来了,呵呵。对了,一会晚上有件事问你
        • what kind of things do you want ask for?
          • 呵呵,我是问numnum的,抱歉,没说清楚。
    • 你这是要交Assignment了吧?嘿嘿。sorry手上没现成的
    • Just let you know that you may refer to a book entitled "JBuilder 2 Bible". But I am not sure you are able to utilize the code in that book