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  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / numnum,我现在问吧,上次说的丢Assignment,Prof.让我回家找Backup的文件,但是是在学校做的,家里没有。我想还是重新写个给他,就老实说是新做的,然后解释一下情况,怎么样?这东西骗他也没有意思。既然他开口了,与其乱编个没做完的,不如弄个好的。你说呢?
    • yeah, just give him a new one, I guess it won't take you long because you have already done it. Usually teachers are not that cruel, as long as they see your hand-in before the end of semester, you should be able to get most of the credit.
      • 谢谢!Hash Table很简单的东西,今天晚上本来说考完最后一门可以放松一下,得,又要赶Assigment了。睡会觉,回头见。
        • haha, don't underestimate hash table, it can be really complicated. what is your requirement? linear probe, square probe, qudratic probe or bucket? good luck to you.
          • 西西,最简单的linear probe。