


  • 工作学习 / English / 我们能够做到用英语思考吗?
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我们能够做到用英语思考吗?

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    • "香港人他们从小接受的是英语教育",他们的英文没有咱们棒,中文更差.也算是中英混合的恶化吧
    • 不要,我19岁来此,现在33,大概40%的想英文,20%的想中文,剩下40%的时间空空荡荡.洋人朋友不多,华人朋友更少,英文离精通还远,中文以严重的词不达意,语无轮次.中英混乱的结果是,头脑空泛,思维迟顿,对性格影响很大, 还是和华人朋友多俱俱八, 保持敏锐的思想,英文能用就行了.
      • 看您的帖子不象空空荡荡呀?欢迎参加我们的活动。
        • 那个EGG是不是你。
          • YES!
            • 你是不是上班时是egg,在家就是lingdon?
              • YES!
      • 我比你历史短一点. 情况差不多. 白天上班想英文, 晚上做梦想中文, 剩下的时间中英夹杂, 主要思考一些象"怎样才能尽快PAY完我的MORTGAGE"这样高深的问题. 洋人朋友越来越懒得交, 累; 同胞朋友经常交, 交完他们就去美国. 英文进步到凑合的水平, 中文退步到凑合的水平.
        现已放弃继续提高英文的打算(向JABBER致敬), 正在ROLIA努力提高思想及中文水平.
        • 去念个要论文答辩的硕士巴,我就是那时候,还有做TA时候给逼的, 后来讲梦话都是英文了
          • 我专业方面英语没问题,可能是因为听课看书的原因,就是一说一些一般的对话会发现说不出来。
          • 答辩不是问题,可以主持会议, 讲座, 和老外崔死牛皮也行,我想说的是,语言是思想的载体,当语言贫乏的时侯思想也贫乏了,我一个人改变了, 5岁看"小朋友学哲学",高中读诗刊,自由化的时侯研究马克思,恩格斯. 现在一碰需要严肃思考的问题就犯傻, 英语中文反来副去,整个一无哩头.
          • 讲梦话都用英文?I F L U。五体投地。
            • 呵呵,就那段时间,同屋说的
      • 是呀!您这中文不是挺流利吗?
        • 嘿嘿, 那可花了我半个钟阿.其实到不是不能说了, 反而是觉得对两种语言的掌握都不够, 使得自己思想很浮浅,看了各位的贴子,总觉得自己上不了呈次.因此苦脑.
          • 你又不上法轮,何苦逼着自己上层次呢?
            • 我还想逼我爸妈练法轮呢,他们整天比较无聊,找点事做做也不错。只要别给那个李什么给钱就是
              • 小心罗,我朋友的八八练什么功的, 他把父母届来以后, 他八在这加入了法轮功跟他妈离婚了.
                • 啊?这么邪门?
                  • 他八真的好奇怪窝, 圣经病一样子, 见人就拉人练功, 3天两头跑我家劝我八妈入法, 教会的人都没他跑得勤.
                    • 算了,我还是打消这念头巴,给他们找别的东西娱乐去,我爸最近迷上了上网,不过千万别迷上聊天的好
                      • faint! numnum的有些帖子不是你爸贴的吧?
                      • 弄俩电脑,让你妈伏击他去!
            • 人总要进步嘛,
    • My answer is Yes and No.
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛I grew up in a small village and I had not attended any English classes before I graduated from "high school". To get an opportunity to attend a college, I forced myself to get up at 5:30 in the morning to learn English on the radio. After one year's efforts, I found I had grasped the spelling rule of English language. It took me several years to get qualified for China's college education at that time. In some sense, my background is very, very poor.

      I was a home-grown Ph. D in China ( "native Ph." In Chinglish). And I have never taken TOFEL , GRE and ESL tests. But I have been learning English. I have been living in a Chinese-speaking environment. So far, I have been in the USA for 3.5 years. My first boss in USA is mainland-born Chinese. My second boss, also the present boss, is Chinese, too.
      Since I got into IT industry, I have been surrounded by Chinese colleages. Even now, one of my co-workers is ethically Chinese. However, I have been doing my best to improve my English. For instance, I have ever read a lot of flyers and ads. To improve my listening, I have made a lot of 800 calls. I have very few opportunties to speak and listen English. However, I find I think in English as I read and write.

      I have no problems in speaking about IT technologies and understanding my co-workers. I can go through 200 pages of documentation within 4 hours. I can write various technical documentations as fast as I do in Chinese. However, I have great difficulties in watching some talk shows on the TV.

      By the way, it took me two years to understand the weather and traffic reports on the radio. I hope I can understand those talk shows in a few years since I choose to live in the America.

      No pain, no gain.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • What is missing is the oral English for everyday life. Most of us, like the respected Mr. Jabber, write VERY GOOD English.
        Hi, Jabber:

        You said you've been in U.S. 3.5 years. Are you a Canadian
        citizen already? Pleas answer me.

        I did read many of your IT articles and
        thought you were in Canada. So I am a little supprised when
        you are actually in U.S.A.

        I am now in U.S.A. and will immigrate to Canada this fall. I
        hope I'll come back to U.S.A. again. That's why I am interested
        in your career path. Thanks.

        I used very little English at school here in U.S.A. becuase most
        people around me, including the boss, were CHINIESE!!!

        However, I did pick up oral English every now and then. Especially:
        when I worked as a private tutor, worked at restraunts, worked
        as a recitation TA, and when I was holding office hour for students.

        For me, I don't think I ca improve my oral English anymore
        because of age. But I am keeping improving my reading and
        writing, thus the English thinking all the time .

      • 真是越来越佩服你了. 很少有人能象你这样锲而不舍而又不着急不上火的.