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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 各位有原来在国内搞老建的吗?现在在加国能搞老本行吗?
    • 老建是什么?我有个朋友, 两个人都是做建筑的, 一个工民建, 现在在一家设计所画图, 年薪2万多;另一个是建筑学,仍在找工作. 不过, 据他说, 他的主要问题是英语.
      这里的设计所很多, 同国内的比起来都很小, 几十个人的就算大了. 虽然机会少, 但竞争的人也少. 只要英语过关(尤其是对于建筑学), 应该可以找到本行的工作.
      • 你那学“公民建”的朋友情况如何,能详细说说吗?是不是E语很好? 有搞施工的吗?
        • Sorry, that's all I know about her. I believe her English is much better than her husband.
          • 再请问一个问题:国类的这些职称证书在加国有用吗?还是自己的设计作品有用些?谢谢
            • I am not sure. I know he printed a lot of his former works (in color) and take them to interviews. I guess the works are more important.
            • 职称证书没用,文凭(中英文)不能少。自己的设计作品非常有用。全都带上。
    • “老建”就是搞“建筑”的,无论“设计、施工、监理”均归为此类。
      • As I know, even local guys major in architecture not easily to get a sound job .
    • 学建筑学的如果英语好找个工作还是有可能的. 但多是作施工图或表现图. 工资很低, 也没有什么前途. 国内的学历职称在这里认证非常麻烦.
      • Can I seek advices on how to find the right channel to potential employer?I landed here three weeks ago, looking for job right now, low salary never mind, I want to be a draftman although I have no experience.
        I have site experiences in two high-rise projects in China and experience in Singapore governement housing developer.
        • Junior positions rarely get advertised in the papers. But you may want to try the Star Classified, under "technical help". Sometimes there are draftsperson positions there.
          A better way is to just sit down with a telephone book and start calling all those firms under "architect". Or you can go to a library and find a copy of the OAA (Ontario Association of Architects) directory.

          There are also websites that may have "employment opportunities" sections. You may want to start with www. oaa.on.ca.
          • Thanks. I'll try. I have comfidence in my language ability (I worked for a singapore governemnet agent for nearly five years) and
            I have confidence in my technical competence( I participated two high-rise construction projects in China and these experience made me commited to the industry),but I have no experience of drafting. Do you think I can practise by myself and then just tell them that I have done drafting jobs?
            • They will probably ask for samples of work. By the way, you really like drafting? I don't quite understand.
              • Thanks .you give me good idea of how to prove my fake experience. (no laugh). But it is not easy as I have have no real job done. Yes, I have wanted to go to a design firm
                since my graduation, at that time I thought I could go to a design firm after I got som hand-on knowledge in construction company and was then defered by making money in singapore, so now I really want to make some change in my career direction.
                • So what do you want to do? If you want to be an architect, maybe you should think about going to school instead, if you consider yourself young. I just can't see being a draftsperson with no drafting experience will lead you anywhere.
                  • why not a structure design engineer?
                    • that's civil engineer, not architect. You have little chance to be an architect as new immigrant.
                    • Wait a minute. What was your major? Architecture or Civil Engineering?
                      • Civil Engineer
                        • Then forget about what I have said. I thought you were looking for a job in Architecture. I don't know much about the job market for civil engineers. Sorry.
                      • Thank you! I have sent an email to you.
            • I think my collegues in china design the at least 15 projects in five years. are you confidence now. I don't think so.
              • I am technically competent, in a par with an exerienced site engineer of any country.
      • By the way, I want to ask if anyone of you have pirated copy of AutoCAD R14 or 2000, Landdevelopment,and Overlay. Want to learn drafting by myself.
        • you must have your own major. You only know autocad is useless.
          • My major is Structural Engineering, Acturally some programs like Overlay, which is specificlly designed for architectural drawing, can only be estabished on a platform of AutoCAD.
    • 我一个同学的表哥也是做工民建的,有新加坡的工作经验,来加一个月内找到本行工作。具体收入不知道,只听我同学说“现在比做计算机的稍低,考出牌后有七八万”。那个人据说已通过所有考试。
    • 国内学建筑,在这里找的工作多是drafter, 一般也就年薪2万多左右。据说考了牌年薪也不过4,5万。要想一来搞设计不太可能,事物所招人多数都要2-3年本地经验,还要懂当地的code.
      • 没那么惨。关键是E文, CODE不难的,就是繁了点。不要怕!
        本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛附:部分CODE样品:
        Part 4 Structural Design
        Section 4.1. Structural Loads and Procedures
        4.1.1. General Scope
        1) The scope of this Part shall be as described in Section 2.1. Definitions
        1) Words that appear in italics in this Part are defined in Part 1.
        2) For design carried out within this Part, the designer shall be a professional engineer or architect skilled in the work concerned. (See Appendix A. ) Design Requirements
        1) Buildings and their structural members including formwork and falsework shall be designed to have sufficient structural capacity and structural integrity to resist safety and effectively all loads and effects of loads and influences that may reasonably be expected, having regard to the expected service life of buildings, and shall in any case satisfy the requirements of this Section. (See Appendix A.)
        2) All permanent and temporary structural members, including formwork and falsework of a buildings shall be protected against loads exceeding the specified loads during the construction period except when, as verified by analysis or test, temporary overloading of a structural member would result in no impairment of that member or any other member.
        3) Falsework, scaffolding, and formwork shall be designed in conformance with:
        a) CSA S269.1 “Falsework for Construction Purposes,”
        b) CAN/CSA-S269.2-M, “Access Scaffolding for Construction Purposes,” or
        c) CAN/CSA-S269.3-M, “Concrete Formwork.”
        4) Precautions shall be taken during all phases of construction to ensure that the building is not damaged or distorted due to loads applied during construction. Design Basis
        1) Buildings and their structural members shall be designed in conformance with Part 4 and 5. (See Subsection 2.5.2 for other methods of design.) Deflections
        1) In proportioning structural members to limit deflection, consideration shall be given to
        a) the intend use of the building or member,
        b) limiting damage to non-structural members and materials whose physical properties are known at the time of the design,
        c) limiting damage to the structure itself, and
        d) creep, shrinkage and temperature. (See Appendix A.)
        2) Sway effects produced by vertical loads acting on the structure in its displaced configuration shall be taken into account in the design of buildings and their structural members.
        3) The lateral deflection of buildings due to design wind and gravity loads shall be checked to ensure that nonstructural elements whose nature is known at the time the structural design is carried out will not be damaged.
        4) Except as provided in Sentence (5), the total drift per storey under specified wind and gravity loads shall not exceed 1/500 of the storey height unless other drift limits are specified in the design standards referenced in Section 4.3. (See Appendix A.)
        5) The deflection limits required in Sentence (4) do not apply to industrial buildings or sheds if it is known by experience that greater movement will have no significant adverse effect on the strength and function of the building. Vibrations
        1) Floor systems susceptible to vibrations shall be designed so that there will be no significant adverse effects on the intended occupancy of the building from vibrations. (See Appendix A.)
        2) Unusually flexible buildings and buildings whose ratio of height to minimum effective width exceeds 4 to 1 shall be designed so that there will be no significant adverse effects on the intended occupancy of the building from vibrations under dynamic wind load. (See Appendix A.) Stability
        1) Provision shall be made to ensure adequate stability of a structure as a whole, and adequate lateral, torsional and local stability of all structural parts. Structural Drawings and Related Documents
        1) Structural drawings and related documents shall conform to the appropriate requirements of Part 2. (See Subsection 2.3.4.)
        4.1.2. Specified Loads and Effects Loads, Forces and Effects
        1) Except as provided for in Article, the following specified loads, forces and effects shall be considered in the design of a building and its structural members and connections:
        D — dead loads as provided for in Subsection 4.1.5.,
        E — live load due to earthquake as specified in Subsection 4.1.9.,
        L — live load due to static or inertia forces arising from intended use and occupancy (includes loads due to cranes); snow, ice and rain; earth and hydrostatic pressure,
        T — effects due to contraction or expansion caused by temperature changes, shrinkage, moisture changes, creep in component materials, movement due to differential settlement or combination thereof, (see Appendix A )
        W — live load due to wind as specified in Subsection 4.1.8.
        2) Minimum specified values of these loads, as set forth in Subsections 4.1.5. to 4.1.10., shall be increased to account for dynamic effects where applicable. Loads Not Listed
        1) Where a building or structural member can be expected to be subjected to loads, forces or other effects not listed in Article, such effects shall be taken into account in the design based on the most appropriate information available.
        2) If it can be shown by engineering principles, or if it is known from experience, that neglect of some or all of the effects due to T does not affect the structural safety and serviceability, they need not be considered in the calculations. Structural Design
        1) Structural design shall be carried out in accordance with Subsection 4.1.4., Working Stress Design.
        4.1.3. Limit States Design (see Appendix A.) Definitions
        1) In this Subsection, the term
        a) limit states means those conditions of a building structure in which the building ceases to fulfil the function for which it was designed. (Those states concerning safety are called ultimate limit states and include exceeding the load carrying capacity, overturning, sliding, fracture and fatigue, while those states which restrict the intended use and occupancy of the building are called serviceability limit states, and include deflection, vibration, permanent deformation and cracking.)
        b) specified loads (D, E, L, T and W) mean those loads defined in Article and given in this Section.
        c) Load factor, α, means a factor in Sentence applied to a specified load which, for the limit states under consideration, takes into account the variability of the loads and load patterns and analysis of their effects,
        d) Factored load means the product of a specified load and its load factor,
        e) Load combination factor, ψ, means a factor in Sentences and (6) applied to the factored loads other than dead load to take into account the reduced probability of a number of loads from different sources acting simultaneously,
        f) Importance factor, γ, means a factor in Sentence applied to the factored loads other than dead load to take into account the consequences of collapse as related to the use and occupancy of the building,
        g) Resistance, R, of a member, connection, structure or foundation, is based on the dimensions and on the specified properties of the structural materials,
        h) Resistance factor, φ, means a factor applied to a specified material property or to the resistance of a member, connection, structure or foundation, which for the limit state under consideration takes into account the variability of dimensions and material properties, workmanship, type of failure and uncertainty in the prediction of resistance, and
        i) Factored resistance means the product of resistance and the applicable resistance factor.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • by the way, after you get PEO when you pass some exam, your income will rise to 4~5k rpidly.
        • 问题是人家门都不让你进,哪还有机会学code?
    • It's not bad for civil engineer, especially STRUCTURAL in US, but no idea ..in Canada, should be similar... For architects, the North America really sucks....
    • 有在加国搞“施工、监理”的吗?情况如何?
      • 是啊,有搞施工的吗?能挣几个银子?
    • i am not interested in drafter,but it's better than labour,and i am not interested in IT too.what should i do
      • No one can give you an exact answer. It only depends on you.