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  • 相约北美 / 移民留学 / 又被锯了!!份特!!
      • 没懂
        • wo cao na sha bi de zi zi de nai nai
          • 你是天才么,这种密码你也懂???!!!
            • heihei, I have talent in this kind of vulgar language
              • There must be a built-in IC for this purpose in your brain...hehe...
          • 天才,没说的,就是天才!你说的英语梦话估计就是这一类的。
          • 更正:wo cao na sha bi de ZU ZONG de nai nai
            • high hand , high hand!!
      • 他锯你,你也锯他;下次他就不敢锯你了。
    • there is a lot of lucky thing in finding job. so keep on hunting, you will get one.
      One of friends she got one interview one day, after that, she felt very good coz she answerd all of the question. She thought she will get offer soon. But after one week they informed her " you are very excellent, but we have no suitable position for you". in another interview, she felt she did not good at all, she can't answer a lot of the question, but she got offer.
      So there are a lot of karma between you and the interview company.
      • 这世界就是酱紫怪。自我感觉不等于人家感觉,更何况是西人?偶来的时间短,也没有摸清老外的脾气,至今和老外打交道还有一种糊里糊涂的感觉~~~:(
    • //comfort yellow. add oil.
    • 屡败屡战,屡战屡胜!坚持就是胜利,yellow,别泄气!!!!!!
    • Comfort Yellow.